Monday, April 28, 2008

It's been a while.

I'm back, in all my glory!

Just wanted to update everyone on my progress with ACCUTANE.

There is huge improvement in my skin, both the active acne and the texture. Right now I only have 3!! pimples. One isn't budging, its a white bump, looks kinda like those pimples babies get, that you're not supposed to mess with and the others are well, healing.
In the past, I would spend too much of my "night-time regimen" picking, popping, analyzing and almost CREATING blemishes to mess with. Now, I can't create much!! I'm thrilled.

Will it keep getting better? Will it last when I've completed 9 months on this medication? I'm hoping...

The flip side, which is totally worth it, are my continued side-effects, including but not limited to:

Extremely dry patches of skin, scattered all over my body--very itchy.

THE (with a long e) most chapped lips EVER. EVER. Me, I got 'em.

Generalized facial redness.

Sensitive skin, slow healing and easily torn skin.

And sensitivity to the sun.

All of these are "do-able".

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